Spooky Men's Chorale

From their website: Genial buffoonery and immaculate, testosterone drenched vocals define the Spooky Men's Chorale, a ruthless bunch of larrikins based in the Blue Mountains of Australia. Their stated ambition is to make women weep, small children quail, and insurance salesmen vaguely aware that somewhere, there is a whole world they've never experienced.
With a sound as warm and grainy as a slab of teak, the Spooky Men give equally loving attention to ancient Georgian table songs, tawdry anthems like Don't Stand Between a Man and his Tool, and the odd ballad of terrifying beauty.

About the clip: I caught them at the National Folk Festival in Canberra at Easter 2006 and shot this clip after a gig at bout 11pm at underneath a street lamp. The temperature was about 0C so we didn't have much time to do it. We borrowed a few torches and got a couple of people to hold them under the camera shining upwards to give a spooky look. I then shot 2 takes - they were singing along to a CD - one of them in a semicircle with the camera moving around backwards and forwards, and another take with the choir divided into 2 revolving circles wheeling towards the camera. In final cut pro, I then colourised one take red and one take blue, and merged them so they were superimposed. This gives a great spooky effect, and also when viewed with Chromadepth 3D glasses, gives a superb simulated 3D effect. Trouble is you have to order the glasses from the states and I only have one pair. Bugger.

More info on the Spooky's on http://www.spookymen.com.au

Source: johngeopix


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